Right to Carry or Right for a Gun-Free Campus?


SFA now has a chapter on campus of the national organization called Students for Concealed Carry. The SFA Senior who started the chapter hopes to bring attention to citizens’ second amendment rights and gain support for a Senate bill from 2011. The bill intended to allow students over the age of 21 who have obtained concealed handgun licenses to carry their handguns with them on campus and in the classroom. The concern for public administrators on both sides of the argument would be the implications of having students carrying firearms regularly on campus (how it affects the learning environment, safety regulations, etc.) as well as the methodology used by Congress to make such a decision. In a related story, the Texas Legislature is also proposing a bill that would reduce the amount of time of the training course for obtaining a concealed handgun license.

Provided below are links to the story on the SFA Chapter of Students for Concealed Carry and some of their literature:




The story on the bill proposing shorter handgun training courses: http://www.ketknbc.com/news/concealed-handgun-license-bill-in-the-works

The TxDPS Concealed Handgun Licensing Program webpage: http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/rsd/chl/#

Violence Policy Center Website, Concealed Carry Killers: http://www.vpc.org/ccwkillers.htm


**After hearing from both sides of the debate, What do you think about allowing concealed carrying on college campuses?

2 responses »

  1. “After hearing from both sides of the debate, What do you think about allowing concealed carrying on college campuses?”

    The concealed carry movement that started in Florida in the late 1980s has been an unqualified success. None of the scary predictions came true. Obviously there is no excuse to not let people with a license/permit to carry on campus.


  2. I think that if one is carrying legally and correctly, no one will be the wiser until they are needed to defend themselves or others in the line of fire of a bad guy. I carry most every place I go and have plenty of interaction with the public. It forces me to be calm, rational and avoid confrontation…it also helps me to be more aware of my surroundings and the safety of others. It is my choice and my right. The law was tabled so it doesn’t matter, but you CAN keep a firearm in your vehicle and no college can make a law to prohibit that. On September 1, 2013 many new changes will take place including a reduction in required training hours. The training would be better suited to address the laws surrounding concealed carry as well as tactical self defense with pistol instruction, current training is dated and useless, in my opinion.

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